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† 福音書縦観 「ヘロデとバプテスマのヨハネ」 マタイ14:1~12  

マタイ14:1~12 マルコ6:14~29 ルカ9:7~9




† 日本語訳聖書 Matt.14:11 

Matt.14:11 乃盛首於盤、攜來賜與女、女攜之於母。

Matt.14:11 そのを盆(ぼん)に載(のせ)て女(むすめ)に予(あたへ)ければ女(むすめ)は之(これ)を其(その)母(はは)に捧(ささげ)たり

Matt.14:11 その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ。

Matt.14:11 斯て其頭盆に載せられて女に與へられしを、女母に持行きしが、

Matt.14:11  その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女にわたされ、少女はそれを母のところに持って行った。

Matt.14:11  そして、その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女に与えられたので、少女はそれを母親のところに持って行った。

Matt.14:11  その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女に渡り、少女はそれを母親に持って行った。

Matt.14:11 その首を盆にのせて持ってこさせて娘に与えた。娘はそれを母にわたした。

Matt.14:11 その首は、盆に載せて運ばれ少女に与えられた。少女はそれを母親の所に持って行った。

Matt.14:11 其首を盤に盛り、攜へ來りて女に與へたれば、女之を其母に攜へたり。

Matt.14:11 首は盆にのせて持ってきて少女に渡され、少女は母に持っていった。

Matt.14:11 首は盆にのせて持って来られて少女に渡された。彼女はそれを母に持って行った。

Matt.14:11 乃ちその首は皿に載せて持ち來られたれば、少女に與へられしに、彼はこれをその母の許に持ち往けり。

Matt.14:11 そして、その首は盆に載せて持って来られ、その小娘に与えられた。彼女はそれを自分の母のところに持って行った。

† 聖書引照 Matt.14:11 

Matt.14:11 その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ。

[その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ]  創世49:7; 箴言27:4; 29:10; エレ22:17; エゼ16:3,4; 19:2,3; 35:6; 黙示16:6; 17:6

† ギリシャ語聖書 Matt.14:11 

Stephens 1550 Textus Receptus
και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης

Scrivener 1894 Textus Receptus 
και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης

Byzantine Majority 
και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης

και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης

Hort and Westcott 
και ηνεχθη η κεφαλη αυτου επι πινακι και εδοθη τω κορασιω και ηνεγκεν τη μητρι αυτης

† ギリシャ語聖書 品詞色分け 


καὶ ἠνέχθη ἡ κεφαλὴ αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ πίνακι καὶ ἐδόθη τῶ κορασίῳκαὶ ἤνεγκεν τῇ μητρὶ αὐτῆς.

† ヘブライ語聖書 Matt.14:11 


וְכַאֲשֶׁר הוּבָא רֹאשׁוֹ בַּקְּעָרָה נְתָּנוּהוּ לַנַּעֲרָה וְהִיא הֵבִיאָה אוֹתוֹ לְאִמָּהּ

† ラテン語聖書 Matt.14:11 

Latin Vulgate

Et allatum est caput eius in disco, et datum est puellæ, et attulit matri suæ.
And his head was brought on a platter, and it was given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother. 

† 私訳(詳訳)Matt.14:11 

【私訳】 「そして彼〔ヨハネ〕の首は皿<盆、大皿>に載せて運ばれ、そして、かの少女〔サロメ〕に与えられ、彼女は彼女の母〔へロディア〕のところに運んだ」

† 新約聖書ギリシャ語語句研究 


καὶ ἠνέχθη ἡ κεφαλὴ αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ πίνακι καὶ ἐδόθη τῶ κορασίῳ, καὶ ἤνεγκεν τῇ μητρὶ αὐτῆς.

【そして】 καὶ  καί カイ kai {kahee} (cc 接続詞・等位)

1)~と、~も、そして 2)~さえ、でさえも 3)しかし 4)しかも、それは 5)それでは、それだのに 6)そうすれば、すなわち 7)のみならず、もまた

(G2532 καί Apparently a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; andalsoevensothentoo, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words: – and, also, both, but, even, for, if, indeed, likewise, moreover, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yea, yet.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【彼の】 αὐτοῦ  αὐτός  アウトス autos {ow-tos‘}  (npgm3s 代名詞・属男3)

1)彼、彼女、それ(三人称の代名詞) 2)自身で、自分から、自分として(強調用法) 3)同じ同一の 4)まさに、ちょうど

(G846 αὐτός From the particle αὖ au (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the compound of 1438 of the third person, and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: – her, it (-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-]) self, [your-] selves, she, that, their (-s), them ([-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.   Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【首は】 κεφαλὴ  κεφαλή ケふァれー  kephalē {kef-al-ay‘}  (n-nf-s 名詞・主女単)

1)あたま、かしら、首 2)人、個人

(G2776 κεφαλή Probably from the primary word κάπτω kaptō (in the sense of seizing); the head (as the part most readily taken hold of), literally or figuratively: – head.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ5:36; 6:17; 10:30;  ルカ7:38,46; 12:7; 21:18;  ヨハ13:9 etc.

【盆】 πίνακι  πίναξ  ピナクス  pinax {pin‘-ax} (n-dm-s 名詞・与男単)

1)うすい皿 2)大皿 3)盆 4)板、告知板、高札


(G4094 πίναξ Apparently a form of 4109 a plate: – charger, platter.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ14:8,11;  マル6:25,28;  ルカ11:39

【に乗せられ】 ἐπὶ  ἐπί  エピ epi{ep-ee‘} (pd 前置詞・与)

1)の上に、近くに 2)よって 3)に向かって 4)に 5)を 6)へ

(G1909  ἐπί A primary preposition properly meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relationof distribution [with the genitive case], that is, overupon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) aton, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towardsupon, etc.: – about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, [where-]) fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-) on (behalf of) over, (by, for) the space of, through (-out), (un-) to (-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, atupon, etc. (literally or figuratively).  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【運ばれ】 ἠνέχθη  φέρω  ふェロー  pherō̄ {fer‘-o} (viap–3s 動詞・直・1アオ・受・3単)

1)運ぶ、持って行く 2)実を結ぶ、生じる、生む 3)連れて行く、連行する 4)担う、負う、支える、保持する 5)述べる、語る 6)耐える、忍ぶ

(G5342 φέρω A primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely οἴω oiō̄̄ and ἐνέγκω enegkō̄ to “bear” or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively: – be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ14:11,18;  マル6:27,28; 12:15,16;  ヨハ2:8; 4:33; 21:10; etc.

【そして】 καὶ  καί カイ kai {kahee} (cc 接続詞・等位)

1)~と、~も、そして 2)~さえ、でさえも 3)しかし 4)しかも、それは 5)それでは、それだのに 6)そうすれば、すなわち 7)のみならず、もまた

(G2532 καί Apparently a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; andalsoevensothentoo, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words: – and, also, both, but, even, for, if, indeed, likewise, moreover, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yea, yet.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【少女に】 κορασίῳ  κοράσιον  コラシオン  korasion {kor-as‘-ee-on} (n-dn-s 名詞・与中単)

1)娘、少女、乙女、処女 2)小さい娘、幼い娘 3)人形

(G2877 κοράσιον Neuter of a presumed derivative of κόρη korē (a maiden); a (little) girl: – damsel, maid.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ9:24,25; 14:11;  マル5:41,42; 6:22,28

【与えられ】 ἐδόθη  δίδωμι  ディドーミ  didōmi {did‘-o-mee} (viap–3s 動詞・直・1アオ・受・3単)

1)与える、あげる、差し出す、提供する、分け与える、賜う、施す、支払う 2)捧げる、供える、提供する、授ける、賜る 3)ゆだねる、渡す、許す、かなえる、置く

(G1325 δίδωμι A prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternate in most of the tenses); to give (used in a very wide application, properly or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection): – adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【そして】 καὶ  καί カイ kai {kahee} (cc 接続詞・等位)

1)~と、~も、そして 2)~さえ、でさえも 3)しかし 4)しかも、それは 5)それでは、それだのに 6)そうすれば、すなわち 7)のみならず、もまた

(G2532 καί Apparently a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; andalsoevensothentoo, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words: – and, also, both, but, even, for, if, indeed, likewise, moreover, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yea, yet.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【彼女の】 αὐτῆς  αὐτός  アウトス autos {ow-tos‘}  (npgf3s 代名詞・属女3)

1)彼、彼女、それ(三人称の代名詞) 2)自身で、自分から、自分として(強調用法) 3)同じ同一の 4)まさに、ちょうど

(G846 αὐτός From the particle αὖ au (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the compound of 1438 of the third person, and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: – her, it (-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-]) self, [your-] selves, she, that, their (-s), them ([-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.   Internet Sacred Text Archive)

【母に】 μητρὶ  μήτηρ  メーテール mētēr {may‘-tare}  (n-df-s 名詞・与女単)

1)母、生みの親 2)子宮、母胎、胎内 3)祖国、故郷

(G3384 μήτηρ Apparently a primary word; a “mother” (literally or figuratively, immediate or remote): – mother.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ1:18; 2:11; 12:49,50  マル3;35;  ヨハ19:27;  ロマ16:13;  ガラ4:26;  Ⅰテモ5:2;  黙示12:5

【運ばれた】 ἤνεγκεν  φέρω  ふェロー  pherō̄ {fer‘-o}  (viaa–3s 動詞・直・1アオ・能・3単)

1)運ぶ、持って行く 2)実を結ぶ、生じる、生む 3)連れて行く、連行する 4)担う、負う、支える、保持する 5)述べる、語る 6)耐える、忍ぶ

(G5342 φέρω A primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely οἴω oiō̄̄ and ἐνέγκω enegkō̄ to “bear” or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively: – be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold.  Internet Sacred Text Archive)

マタ14:11,18;  マル6:27,28; 12:15,16;  ヨハ2:8; 4:33; 21:10; etc.

† 英語訳聖書 Matt.14:11  

King James Version 
14:11 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought [it] to her mother.

New King James Version
14:11 And his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.

American Standard Version 
14:11 And his head was brought on a platter, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.

New International Version
14:11 His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother.

Bible in Basic English 
14:11 And his head was put on a plate and given to the girl; and she took it to her mother.

Today’s English Version
14:11 The head was brought in on a plate and given to the girl, who took it to her mother.

Darby’s English Translation 
14:11 and his head was brought upon a dish, and was given to the damsel, and she carried it to her mother.

Douay Rheims 
14:11 And his head was brought in a dish: and it was given to the damsel, and she brought it to her mother.

Noah Webster Bible 
14:11 And his head was brought in a dish, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.

Weymouth New Testament 
14:11 The head was brought on a dish and given to the young girl, and she took it to her mother.

World English Bible 
14:11 His head was brought on a platter, and given to the young lady: and she brought it to her mother.

Young’s Literal Translation 
14:11 and his head was brought upon a plate, and was given to the damsel, and she brought it nigh to her mother.

Amplified Bible
14:11 His head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother [Herodias].

† 細き聲 聖書研究ノート 





† 心のデボーション   

「その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ」 マタイ14:11 大正文語訳聖書

「そして、その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女に与えられたので、少女はそれを母親のところに持って行った」 新改訳聖書



† 心のデボーション   

「その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ」 マタイ14:11 大正文語訳聖書

「そして、その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女に与えられたので、少女はそれを母親のところに持って行った」 新改訳聖書




† 細き聲 説教  


「その首を盆にのせて持ち來らしめ、之を少女に與ふ。少女はこれを母に捧ぐ」 マタイ14:11 大正文語訳聖書

「そして、その首は盆に載せて運ばれ、少女に与えられたので、少女はそれを母親のところに持って行った」 新改訳聖書





